(416) 259-8355
BDA has exact specifications and only the best of repair materials are used in balcony restoration - for a repair with longevity.
We use a wide variety of sealants by Tremco, Vulkem and Dow-Corning - which are the leading manufacturers in the sealant industry. Full specifications for glazing and or re-caulking are a part of every quotation and project.
These items have as their foremost purpose, the repelling of water from the surface it is applied to, for deflecting water away from the building wall or component. BDA uses the highes tin quality of coatings and repellents such as: ALL GUARD, THOROCOAT, PennKote, Sternson and Chemtrete.
Changing the appearance of your building and bringing your building up to current building code standards is a service provided by a joint contractor and manufacturer relationship. Specifications for steel cladding, stucco, brick and the warranties available are a part of each presentation and quotation.
There are numerous causes and resolutions to brick repair problems i.e. brick replacement, tuck-pointing, water repellent applications, coatings, cladding etc. We have the exact specifications that your building requires in even quotation, along with the estimated quantity of work to be performed.
New waterproofing agents and systems can assist in the longevity of repairs to the concrete and inhibit future deteriorations of structural elements.
Exposed concrete, whether it's in an underground garage or on the exterior of the building will eventually allow water into the surface and thus the cycle of deterioration begins. We recommend that after repairs are carried out to make it structurally sound, that a minimum of a concrete sealer be applied and ideally a waterproof membrane system be installed.
Building cleaning can not only improve the appearance of a building but has the importance of ridding harmful, deteriorating agents which break down the building components and allow deterioration in the finished surfaces - if allowed to accumulate.
Do you need one of these services?
Call BDA today for further information on any of our services.
"BDA employees recognized the unique involvement of members in the Co-operative and took the extra effort to keep everyone informed"
Marilyn Currie
"BDA provided our organization with a team of skilled and professional individuals that accomplished the scope of work within the specified time frame"
Mimico Co-operative Homes Inc